At Clearwater Farms, we are continually adopting innovative farming practices that balance economic profitability with environmental stewardship.
All of our crops are grown in a direct seed, no-till system, which leaves the soil undisturbed and maintains a protective cover of plant residue, thereby minimizing soil erosion and sediment loss to surrounding watersheds. To compliment this, we maintain unfarmed grass waterways and “buffer zones” next to sensitive streams and riparian areas.
In addition to a no-till farming system, Clearwater Farms has implemented a diverse crop rotation of over 15 different species of primarily Non-GMO cereal grains, oilseeds, legumes, and grass seeds and utilizes cover crops and livestock grazing when practical. A diversified crop mix and poly-culture approach to farming has resulted in soil organic matter levels of 5%-8% and significant increases in the overall biological health of the farm.

Once we decide on a crop mix, GPS-Referenced soil testing and crop scouting are used to determine precise crop needs. A professionally licensed Certified Crop Advisor makes all herbicide, pesticide, and fertilizer recommendations. Precision Ag Technology from John Deere is used to control all applications, utilizing state-of-the-art GPS guidance systems with sub-inch accuracy to ensure accurate and controlled application of fertilizers and chemicals. This technology has allowed us to reduce our fertilizer and chemical use by 25-30%, and we are continually striving to find ways to drive that reduction even further.
This approach to farming embodies our commitment to sustainable farming practices that produce high quality crops without damaging the surrounding wildlife or their habitat.
The entire team at Clearwater Farms is committed to farming the land in a responsible manner, ensuring productivity for today and future generations.